Free Creative & professional photoshop CV template

When was the last time you updated your Curriculum Vitae (CV) , Resume or cover letter?

Regardless of what you call it, the answer is likely the same – never.

Unless you’re looking for a job, your CV is probably sitting around somewhere as a boring text document gathering dust, in fact I’d wager you can’t remember were you put your CV! Well, that’s how it was for me.

After discovering a CV inspiration post with 40 or so CV samples, of which none were usable templates, and the rest were overly creative, I decided it was time to update my curriculum vitae template. Better to keep it up to date instead of finding 5 years down the line,you can’t recall what you did, when.

In my opinion, a CV or resume needs to be simple, clean and readable, with a dash of creativity that doesn’t overshadow the information, with this in mind I set out to create a nice clean and creative free Photoshop CV template that anyone with a little Photoshop knowledge can modify to suit their needs.

I went with a professional black & white look with a slightly de-saturated photograph. The emphasis is on the typography, the font’s are free and packaged into the download, alternatively if you just want to get your grubby fingers on these lovely free fonts, (which are also CSS3 compatible / allowed ) you can grab Raleway (The thin font) or Bebas Neue here (Thick Font) The icons used are from Icon Finder, you can download the CV template at the end of this page, enjoy!


curriculum-vitae-resume template


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About the Author: staff

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