10 Amazing Site Analytics WordPress Plugins

Using site Analytics WordPress Plugin is the best way to measure return on advertising investment and track WordPress powered blog traffic. Analytics Plugin is easy to set up and provides invaluable insights into visitor behavior on your WordPress dashboard.
In this post we’ll feature 10 analytics plugins that may be able to help you with your own site or with those of clients. Please feel free to share your experiences in the comments at the end of the post.



MailChimp’s Analytics360 plugin allows you to pull Google Analytics and MailChimp data directly into your dashboard, so you can access robust ana

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WordPress.com Stats

wordpress stats

Simple, concise stats with no additional load on your server. Plug into WordPress.com’s stats system with this plugin or use Jetpack to bring eve

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Google Analytics for WordPress

google analytics

Track your WordPress site easily and with lots of metadata: views per author & category, automatic tracking of outbound clicks and pageviews.

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GoingUp! Web Analytics

Sitemap submission to Google,Bing,Yahoo & Ask. Webmaster option for Google,Bing,Alexa,Yahoo,Facebook & BlogCatalog. Analytics option for Google.

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Google Analyticator

google analytic

Adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google Analytics. Includes widgets for Analytics data display.

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Super Simple Google Analytics

Very simple plugin for reliably inserting your Google Analytics tracking code on every page.

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Clicky by Yoast


Integrates the Clicky (from getClicky.com) web analytics service into your blog.

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Premium Analytic WordPress Plugins

Pro Google Analytics Tools

pro analytics

A very useful plugin that integrates Google Analytics code and statistics into your WordPress admin and front end template. The plugin will display helpful statistics into the admin section and add the necessary Analytics code into your template. You can also access Google Analytics stats like page views or unique visitors into your WordPress template. You can track social interactions on the website like facebook and twitter actions and the necessary code will be automatically inserted into the WordPress template. You can track outbound links from your websites using this plugin. You can track internal searches on your website. Also you can track 404 errors and downloads.

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StatDash: Statistics on Your WordPress Dashboard


StatDash displays vital statistics on your WordPress Dashboard, giving you at-a-glance access to figures from Google Analytics, FeedBurner, Twitter, and the Envato Marketplaces.

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Extended Google Analytics for WordPress

google Analytics

It’s never been easier to add Google analytics and event tracking to your websites. This in combination with a campaing url generator tool makes a powerfull WordPress plugin to get the most out of Google Analytics.

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Recommended For You

About the Author: staff


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