Visual design isn’t the sole deciding factor behind the success or failure of a website. A lot of other things such as usability, cross-browser compatibility, search engine optimization etc. play a pivotal role in determining whether a website is heading towards the route to success or failure. My aim behind writing this post is to make you familiar with 5 vital web design tips that work wonders for coming up with an effective web design.
Just like the case of PSD to Drupal theme conversion, even the process of designing a website from scratch requires a great deal of perseverance and dedication. So, let’s simply hop onto these 5 web design principles that work as the best match for meeting the expectations of the clients.
Web Design Principle No.1- Focus on keeping the users engaged
Websites come with both, static as well as dynamic content. While some visitors might get attracted to the former type of content, others may find the latter one appealing. As a web designing professional, you must ensure to focus on managing the users’ attention.
It is important to be aware of the fact that the human eye is a non-linear device which can instantly recognize patterns, edges and motions. Hence, it is recommended to opt for web design elements that work as the best tool for capturing the users’ attention.
Web Design Principle No.2- Don’t make your visitors think
Each page within a website must be obvious and self-explanatory. While designing a website, make sure the navigation and site architecture is intuitive. It is highly recommended to maintain a clear website structure that is easily recognizable and can help the visitors find the right path to their target. As the web designer, it is your responsibility to ensure that the count of questions raised by the visitors is close to zero. People won’t prefer using your website if they can’t find the right way to navigate from one web page to another.
Web Design Principle No.3- Keep things simple
Simplicity is the word for brilliant web design. The “Keep It Simple” principle must be the foremost goal of every web design. Users rarely enjoy spending their time on a website that is full of videos, audios, special effects etc. Hence, I recommend you to strive for simplicity instead of complexity when it comes to designing a website. It is interesting to note that a website with just icons is competent enough in communicating a message to the targeted audience. Stuffing your web design with advertisements and other content blocks is definitely something that will make your website lose the attention of a good count of customers. Designing a user-friendly print version of the web pages is the key towards rendering a fantastic user experience.
Web Design Principle No.4- Conventional Web Design approach is ever-green
Some web designers reading this post might find me crazy saying so. But it is true. The conventional web design approach is indeed very useful in creating credible and innovative websites. Moreover, web design conventions also reduce the learning curve for the web designers. With a handy information about the web design conventions, you can easily figure out how things will work while designing user-friendly websites. Conventions also allow you to gain the trust and confidence of users and prove your credibility. As a web designing professional, make it a point to follow the users’ expectations as to what they’re expecting from your text structure, site navigation and search placement. With well-applied web design conventions, your website visitors will be able to get a clear idea about the objective of the site and the message you intend to convey.
Web Design Principle No.5- Testing early and as often as possible
Testing your web design project will render crucial insights into significant issues which if kept unattended may interfere with the quality of the final website. I advice you to test your web design at an early stage, making sure that you’re well abreast with all the flaws that are available in the same. Remember, testing is an iterative process. That meas you design something, test it to find errors, fix the errors and test it again. This is an important point that needs to be considered by every web designer who’s looking ahead to deliver a great website. Usability test is yet another major aspect that needs to be considered while designing a website. With all the functionalities in-tact, your web design will fare well with the client.
Web designing is an art and if you want to master it, make sure to follow the aforementioned 5 web design principles. Hope by now you’d have got familiar with the importance of following these principles for creating a website that stands out from the crowd and is truly overwhelming.
Jennifer Pinto is a blogger by hobby, who’s always keen on sharing useful information on Facebook about website markup conversions. Currently, she is working as a Drupal developer with Markupcloud a PSD to Drupal Theme Conversion Company. The company has been into delivering high-end markup conversions since 5 years from now.