Premium WordPress themes should come with unique features plus an options panel that can be easily customized. Most of the WordPress developers create theme option panel for layout, background and navigation configuration and also to help users or clients modify the theme without changing any codes. Today we want to list some of the best options panel solutions for WordPress. Enjoy!
WordPress Options Panel Themes
ePanel Theme Options
ePanel theme options panel comes with all of Elegantthemes themes, allowing you to easily control your website without ever touching a line of code. Additional features allow you to toggle on and off features, adjust your layout, manage advertisements, control colors, optimize for search engines and more! ePanel integrates with the WordPress Dashboard and will appear automatically when you activate any of themes.
All themes run on the same WooFramework which makes it easy to setup your theme, SEO and extra functionality.
WordPress Options Panel Frameworks
Easy to use Options framework that generates Options page for your plugin or WordPress theme.
The WordPress Theme Framework provides WordPress Theme Developers with an easy way to add quality to their theme’s by adding features of “Premium” themes without much work at all.
ProPanel is an easy-to-use code set that enables you to add a Powerful Options Panel to any WordPress Theme. Whether you’re a seasoned Theme Developer or just a beginner, you’ll have no problems at all working with the ProPanel.
WordPress AdminPage Class
Ever wanted to build your own WordPress Option Pages for your Theme, your Plugin or something else? Then you maybe run crazy with all these parameters, function calls and things to keep in mind. This is where the AdminPage Class comes in to save the princess. AdminPage Class is no plugin! It’s made for theme developers, who want to give their users a cool interface and prevent them from damaging it in any way.
The AdminPage Class gives you a simple yet flexible abstraction of this task. In less than five minutes you can build a whole set of pages containing options of every kind. It handles all the saving and security stuff for you, so you can concentrate on building what you need: The option page.
Premium WordPress Theme Options Panel
With Premium WordPress Theme Options Panel you can create option panels for your themes in seconds. You can add unlimited option pages, each with as many options as you like, and you can even add custom PHP pages for when your pages require a little extra juice. The script comes with a few modules like an import/export module, update notifier module (to notify your customers) and even a support module so your customers can easily get in touch with you. All settings and pages can be configured in a config file, and it’s really easy. An extensive documentation as well as a few videos is included in the package.
Options Framework
The Options Framework Plugin makes it easy to include an options panel in any WordPress theme. It was built so that theme developers can concentrate on making the actual theme rather than spending a ton of time on creating an options panel from scratch. It’s free to use in both commercial and personal projects, just like WordPress itself.
The UpThemes Framework
WordPress Options Panel Tutorials
Create an Options Page For Your WordPress Theme
Including a Theme Options page for your theme is one of the best ways to increase ease-of-use for managing a complex theme. However, a few quick Google searches later and most people give up. Such a great inclusion for theme design appears to have such little documentation, that it appears to be one of those heavily guarded secrets which only the crème de la crème of designers hold the key to.
Create Improved WordPress Theme Options Page
In this tutorial you learn the new method for adding theme options page to your wordPress theme for quite some time.
How to Create a Better WordPress Options Panel
In this tutorial you can learn the entire process of creating an admin options panel for a WordPress theme, using the excellent WooFramework as an example. Then, we’ll take things a step further, as we implement jQuery to improve some of the functionality.
How To Create An Options Page For Your WordPress Theme
An options panel for the WordPress Classic theme. The methods you will learn will allow you to very easily integrate it into an existing theme you’re working on.
Create a WordPress Theme Options Panel
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to implement a custom theme admin. First, take a look at the final product we are going to make:
Add an advanced admin panel to your WordPress theme with Ajax
In this article you can read advanced techniques to add an advanced admin panel to your WordPress theme, the admin panel will save the data using Ajax, this means that the page will not refresh when you will save all settings. The admin panel will have a revert option that will put all the settings to default if needed.
WordPress Options Panel Plugins
Easy Theme Options
This plugin allows Site Options Creation easily, using shortcodes to display data, and import/export feature.
Extremely customizable Theme Options interface for WordPress. With OptionTree you can create as many Theme Options as your project requires and use them how you see fit. When you add a option to the Settings page, it will be available on the Theme Options page for use in your theme.
Why on earth do we need more than one options panel solution? The panel should come built into WordPress and made easily extendable and exportable.
I’m not interested in spending two hours learning every new theme I purchase, only to find out that a theme function doesn’t work as advertised.
Good list of options panels! Thank you.
I think NHP Theme Options is worth mentioning as well
I always loved NHP… unfortunately, it hasn’t seen development in six months and the bugs and feature requests have been piling up. As a result, I got tired of watching problems go unsolved, forked NHP, and released my own framework which resolves most of the issues people had with NHP and adds a few features of my own! If you want to take a look at my continuation of NHP, check out